salah satu games keluaran Game House ini saat ini sedang jadi game favorit aku.. ga pernah bikin bosan, bahkan meskipun sudah sampai tahap akhir dan permainan sudah berakhir, aku kemudian mengulang lagi dari tahap pertama.. and then and then and then..
selalu ada kata-kata menarik yang aku temukan di game ini.. dan ingin share beberapa di antaranya – yang juga menjadi quote favorit aku.. :)
live your life so you don’t feel bad in the morning for wasting your time the day before.
live is a strange flow of circumstances. but superhero doesn’t need to go with the flow!!!
my enemies only make me stronger.. and I make them nicer.
the true understanding is that nobody understands anything. but everybody’s right in his own way.
lots of people fly in their dreams. I fly as well. I dream of a field covered with tasty clover. I fly over it and flutter. I guess I will be a butterfly in my next life.
but the main point to the adventure is the difficulties that are fun to remember later. right?
live is really strange. evil and treachery live next door to honesty and generosity, and sometimes switch places.
so what’s the most important thing in our super-business? the most important thing is keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.
the true path of a superhero is a path of Love For All Living Creatures.
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