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Alexander Rybak |
yeah, right, it is a song title. one song that successfully makes my mind stuck for a while. first time I knew this song was from Alexander Rybak’s B-side song, from his first album – if I’m not wrong. he sang it duet with Lotta Engberg. when I first heard this song I thought ‘damn, this song is totally romantic’, and after I read the lyrics ‘damn, it’s definitely romantic yet sexy song ever’. buat aku lagu ini identik dengan salju, lovey-dovey couple, flirting things.. argh, just sweet. too sweet. badly, Alex ga mengeluarkan music video for this single. just wondered, how romantic it would be.
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Kiara & Kovu |
second time, I heard another version of this song, faster version and I don’t know who sang that until now. lagu itu jadi backsound adegan lovey-dovey Kiara and Kovu – sweet Lion couple in Lion King. the video and the music just really match. thumbs up for someone who made that. tapi, mungkn karena arrasemen lagunya lebih cepat, entah kenapa aku ga nemu feel dari lagu itu, which thankfully the video helps it much.
and then, I found a great version of this song. Well, best version I ever heard, I guess. awalnya waktu aku mengobrak-abrik youtube buat cari video Glee yang Poker Face – fell in love with Glee’s version since first time I heard – accidentally found this song. yupz, Kurt and Blaine’s version. okay, some people maybe (or definitely?) think it’s weird, two guys singing that romantic song together, with lovely atmosphere around. but I thought, and still thinking, that it’s so so romantic (damn you, my freaky brain!). watching them singing that song just make my heart melts. and since I just watched the video, I started to imagine how the storyline will go. so many romantic scenes ran inside my head (once again, damn you, freaky brain!). so, when I finally could watched the episode – it named ‘the very glee Christmas’, aku cuma bisa bengong depan komputer. so, just it?
jadi cerita sebenarnya tuh Blaine berniat untuk ikut audisi atau kompetisi (yeah, something like that) untuk rekaman lagu itu, so dia minta bantuan Kurt latihan duet dengan dia. that's all. oh my God, my imagination went too far. I thought something will happen between Kurt and Blaine. yeah, tapi kata Kurt waktu interview dengan EW mags juga ‘it need process’ (and I’m still wishing can find that magazine here!). so, I should blame it to my freaky brain also. ahaha, from that case, I guess I’m Klaine fans now. :D
but, really.. that song is so so romantic for me. well, is it wrong if my freaky brain wish that someday someone will sing that song for me? not in the middle of winter, maybe. maybe just in the middle of heavy rain? ;)
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