Have you ever searched for words to get you in their heart.. But you don’t know what to say..
And you don’t know where to start.. Have you ever closed your eyes and dreamed that they were there..
And all you can do is wait for that day when they will care..

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Y.T.G. - Ola

from Ola Svensson's third album - Ola

I had a girl in Paris
she was a cold cash addict
she made me taste her cherry
like it was neccesary

I did a thing in Vegas
not even God could save us
I don't know what they gave us
it wasn't hard to blame us

but I can promise you this much
I'll never do that to you

some of the girls are gonna take my money
some of the girls they gonna make me cry
you are the one who's gonna make me love you
you're that girl, you're that girl

cause you are that one who's gonna steal my heart
and hold it so high for every bitch to see
but you are the one who's gonna make me love you
you're that girl, you're that girl

I had a fling in Baghdad
she was the hot miss Baghdad
she was the one and only
but then she made me so sad

yeah I could be so shameless
and not to mention heartless
like I just couldn't careless
but that was in my dark past

but I can promise you this much
I'll never do that to you


you're that girl, you're that girl
I think I know what you're thinking
that I'm the one who's gonna let you down
but let me turn this shit around
I'll never do that to you (do that to you)


yeah, you're that girl
and all I need
is to rock your world
you're that girl

thanks to : www.youtube.com/user/TessAmore94 for the lyrics  

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

my small reunion

what a sweet small reunion, that is what I said about my last reunion, yesterday. cuma sebentar sih, since it happened in Jakarta and I was late went from Bandung. yah, seperti biasa, insomnia kambuh berujung tidur pagi buta dan bangun terlambat, ehehe.

berangkat dari rumah jam 7 pagi, padahal niatnya mau naik bus ke Bekasi yang jam 7. luckily, since it was holiday, the road was very nice to me. bus berangkat dari Leuwi Panjang jam setengah 9 dan jam setengah 11 udah sampai Bekasi Timur, tempat aku janjian sama Neno. nungguin Neno yang ga datang-datang jadi sempet parno, jangan-jangan salah tempat nih. haduh, kebayang kan kalo ternyata aku turun bus di tempat yang salah. mana Neno sempet nelpon nanya ‘Rum, lo di gerbang Carrefour yang mana?’. huwee.. emang Carrefour punya berapa gerbang? tapi akhirnya ketemu juga kok, aku ga salah tempat, cuma setelahnya Neno ngasih tau kalo Carrefour tempat kita janjian itu ada dua gerbang masuk, makanya dia nanya.

Neno datang sama adiknya. biasa.. udah jadi bumil ga bisa kelayapan sendirian, ehehe. dari situ kita naik angkot, dan perjalanannya ternyata lambreta mampusi gitu. sejam perjalanan buat nyampe ke terminal.. apa ya.. Pondok Gede gitu? have no idea, bad memory with name. sepanjang perjalanan udah berdoa semoga jalanan berbaik hati sama aku, since I should went back home that afternoon, so I counted the tik-tok time. and thank Lord, it was my day, jalan lancar, angkot ga ngetem. nice. :)
sampai terminal ternyata masih harus pake busway lagi. ting-tung! how many transportation we need to go to Wulan’s home? oh iya, reuninya emang diadain di kontrakannya Wulan. awalnya rencana mau ke Sea World, tapi ga tau kenapa jadinya di kontrakan Wulan aja. lucunya pas naik busway, mas yang jaga tiket masuk flirting ga jelas gitu. awalnya kan Neno yang ngasihin tiket masuk, trus kan tiketnya disobek otomatis aku mikir ‘oh, sobekannya bakal dikembaliin’ dan berhubung aku yang ada di urutan paling belakang jadi kan aku yang ngambil sobekannya. sama mas-nyaemang disodorin, tapi pas aku ambil langsung ditahan gitu sambil senyum-senyum. lha, aku jadinya bingung, ni sobekan tiketnya beneran diambil lagi atau ga sih? mana Neno main jalan gitu aja. whew, that was my first time riding busway, so I definitely had no idea bout that. eh, taunya akhirnya tu tiket dikasihin ma mas-nya. hyaa, aku diisengin ma dia.. sialan! hmm, tapi mas-nya manis sih benernya, but ting-tong, when I says that that guy is sweet, cute, biasanya sang subyek ‘berondong’. yap, my signal always on just if I meet ‘berondong’. okay, I’m still trying to change it, btw.

Berhubung naiknya di terminal, busway-nya masih kosong. hyaa, akhirnya merasakan naik busway! (norak mode on!). ternyata jaraknya ga begitu jauh kok, ga lama kita turun. dari sana aku masih mikir, ‘what’s next?’ sebelum akhirnya lihat Wulan ngelambai dari kejauhan. oh, finally, kita sampai juga.

Sampai rumah Wulan taunya neng Bochi masih di jalan. iya lah, secara dia berangkat habis dhuhur. Bochi datang dan kita ngobrol-ngobrol, segala topik. dari soal nyicil rumah, kenalan yang lulus POM, Neno lahiran kapan dan di mana, it ended with Bochi ama siapa and aku ama siapa. same old topic, as usual. and same old answer, ga sama siapa-siapa. lha, emang kenyataannya aku lagi ga sama siapa-siapa, and I hate it when people won’t believe it and think that I just keep it secret. I even create my ‘imaginary boyfriend’ just to shut my co-worker. well well, whatever deh.

Jam setengah 5 Neno pulang duluan, soalnya sebagai bumil dia dapet jam malam yang strict banget, ehehe. aku tetap tinggal sampai jam setengah 6, soalnya jadinya pulang pake Cipaganti travel, kebetulan pool-nya ada yang deket rumah Wulan. lebih mahal sih, but at least I still had time to breath. soalnya kalo ga, aku harus balik lagi ke Bekasi buat naik bus. yeah, biarpun agak sedikit penasaran sama mas yang jaga tiket busway tadi. huhuy.. ahaha..

travel berangkat jam setengah 7. senengnya juga, travel itu di Bandung pool-nya di DU, jadi aku juga ga khawatir kalaupun sampai Bandung malem banget. at least it’s Dago, dan aku toh pernah ngalamin pulang jam 10 malem ngangkot dari Advent. malah kalo naik bus rada horor, ngebayangin pulang malam dari Leuwi Panjang. I don’t know that area. hmm, lucunya pas dikasih tau aku baru cabs dari Jakarta jam segitu dan kemungkinan nyampe Dago jam 10 nyokap langsung nyuruh aku sms Ajeng biar minta dijemput kalo ternyata udah kemaleman. whew, what’s up with my mom, worry me too much? since she was once back home at 10 pm with public transportation from Cileunyi. Cileunyi, saudara-saudara! yah, untungnya nyampe Dago jam 9 kurang, jadi pulang pake angkot aja deh.

that day I wanna say what’s wrong with the guys? that ticket guy? Then my travel-mate back home. there was a guy who sat behind me and always moved so his legs shake my chair, it made me couldn’t sleep even just some minutes. and then because I jumped to public transportation with him, when he was off, someone on the car suddenly asked me who he is – for sunshine’s sake, how could I know?

still tired now, but I should think about audit preparation. how could I prepare that if I have a manager who never communicate, even a word, with me? instead he asked his knowing-nothing secretary to help my preparation. really, I prefer work alone than having her help, since I just have 2 days left and there’s no time – also no mood – to teach anything to her. can you imagine how can I teach her everything about production documentation in 2 days?! for sunshine’s sake!!

ya sutralah.. time to rest.. but overall, I have a sweet small reunion.. thank you for bunda Retno  yang udah mau ngejemput aku di Bekasi Timur, buat neng Resty yang heboh ngajak ketemuan, buat emak Wulan yang kontrakannya dijadiin tempat berkumpul dan juga udah nyiapin banyak makanan buat kita-kita.. meet you later in Bandung? :)

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Alexander Rybak
yeah, right, it is a song title. one song that successfully makes my mind stuck for a while. first time I knew this song was from Alexander Rybak’s B-side song, from his first album – if I’m not wrong. he sang it duet with Lotta Engberg. when I first heard this song I thought ‘damn, this song is totally romantic’, and after I read the lyrics ‘damn, it’s definitely romantic yet sexy song ever’. buat aku lagu ini identik dengan salju, lovey-dovey couple, flirting things.. argh, just sweet. too sweet. badly, Alex ga mengeluarkan music video for this single. just wondered, how romantic it would be.

Kiara & Kovu

second time, I heard another version of this song, faster version and I don’t know who sang that until now. lagu itu jadi backsound adegan lovey-dovey Kiara and Kovu – sweet Lion couple in Lion King. the video and the music just really match. thumbs up for someone who made that. tapi, mungkn karena arrasemen lagunya lebih cepat, entah kenapa aku ga nemu feel dari lagu itu, which thankfully the video helps it much.

and then, I found a great version of this song. Well, best version I ever heard, I guess. awalnya waktu aku mengobrak-abrik youtube buat cari video Glee yang Poker Face – fell in love with Glee’s version since first time I heard – accidentally found this song. yupz, Kurt and Blaine’s version. okay, some people maybe (or definitely?) think it’s weird, two guys singing that romantic song together, with lovely atmosphere around. but I thought, and still thinking, that it’s so so romantic (damn you, my freaky brain!). watching them singing that song just make my heart melts. and since I just watched the video, I started to imagine how the storyline will go. so many romantic scenes ran inside my head (once again, damn you, freaky brain!). so, when I finally could watched the episode – it named ‘the very glee Christmas’, aku cuma bisa bengong depan komputer. so, just it?

jadi cerita sebenarnya tuh Blaine berniat untuk ikut audisi atau kompetisi (yeah, something like that) untuk rekaman lagu itu, so dia minta bantuan Kurt latihan duet dengan dia. that's all. oh my God, my imagination went too far. I thought something will happen between Kurt and Blaine. yeah, tapi kata Kurt waktu interview dengan EW mags juga ‘it need process’ (and I’m still wishing can find that magazine here!). so, I should blame it to my freaky brain also. ahaha, from that case, I guess I’m Klaine fans now. :D

but, really.. that song is so so romantic for me. well, is it wrong if my freaky brain wish that someday someone will sing that song for me? not in the middle of winter, maybe. maybe just in the middle of heavy rain? ;)

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Dream a Little Dream of Me - Michael Buble

stars shining bright above you 
night breezes seem to whisper, "I love you"
birds singing in the sycamore tree
"dream a little dream of me"
say "nighty-night" and kiss me 
just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me 
while I'm alone and blue as can be
dream a little dream of me

stars fading, but I linger on, dear
still craving your kiss
I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear 
just saying this

sweet dreams till sunbeams find you 
sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
but in your dreams whatever they be
dream a little dream of me